work: Powertools

I love the fresh smell of sawdust in the morning. (Through a responsible dust mask of course.) I’ve spent a great deal of time in my career, designing and building things in various garages, pro-shops and “maker spaces.

I’ve always been an inventive tinkerer, and this new “maker age” has been an incredibly enabling time to cobble together new ideas and push boundaries!

  • Exhibit Design and Event Design. From 3D CAD Modeling and rendering to manufacturing.

  • Prototyping for Industrial Design and Engineering, including 3D Printing and CNC Machining.

  • Interiors, Dimensional Signage and Art.

  • 20+ years of woodworking, metal and plastic work, with automated and traditional power tools.

  • Scenic Design and Construction for Theatre and Music Shows.

  • Large format Scenic Painting for Theatre.